Jami, welcome to our class. Thank you for sharing your ethical leadership experiences with us. Good job. “The ethical system I followed in this case is based on deontology which informs the company’s code of ethics. The code of ethics outlines the core principles, values, and standards expected from all employees. This document serves as a foundational reference for ethical behavior and decision-making. Deontology or duty ethics hold that an action is moral if it follows the rules despite the outcomes. It emphasizes principles, rules, and duties that should be followed, such as the categorical imperative proposed by Immanuel Kant. Kant’s Categorical Imperative states that individuals should act according to maxims that can be willed as universal laws (Caldwell & Karri, 2005)”.
Even when I have determined what the morally right and morally wrong course of action should be in each situation, there is no guarantee that I will do what is right. People often do what is unethical, even when they know it is. The essential nature of evil is knowing something is wrong but deciding to do it anyway. Several factors influence whether we choose to do what we know is correct or do what we know is wrong. Ethical climate refers to the belief an organization’s members have about how they are expected to behave. Here are two examples:
Employees in an “egoistic” organization feel they are expected to be self-seeking, and so they are.
Employees in an organization with a “benevolent” climate are expected to do what is best for all stakeholders, i.e., employees, customers, suppliers, and the community.
Not surprisingly, employees in an egoistic organization find it harder to make ethical decisions about what they know is suitable than employees in a benevolent organization.
Organizations with a robust ethical culture make it easier for us to do what is right. At the same time, organizations with a strong business culture can make it harder to do what is right.
Organizations can also generate a form of “moral seduction” that pressures an ethical person to make decisions that they know are wrong. Psychologists have found that moral seduction occurs one step at a time, with each successive decision being more severe than the previous decision, until step-by-step, the person finds himself deeply involved in unethical practices and so compromised that he feels he must continue his involvement.
- (#1) QUESTION: How do moral obligations apply to business organizations? Can companies be held accountable for what they do, or are the individuals who make up the company the ones we must hold accountable? Discuss the significant arguments concerning corporate responsibility
- Dr. Sam
(#2) question response to this response separate: Good evening, Jami.
Leadership is both a finicky and powerful tool when wielded in front of subordinates. We as leaders must manage the intimidation factor by emulating our guiding principles, as they are the dialect that expresses our personal intentions; meanwhile, also playing by the workplace ethics, usually established by our distinguishing company culture and ethos. In light of our role, we are expected to also use tact when enforcing a definitive standard. As a supervisor and advisor, I have yet to be put in the position to end a career. Which is both shocking to consider and realize. If I may make an assumption, I believe you have a strong sense of integrity, based on your passionate description. Would there be other morals you might stand by and share so that someone in a similar position could adopt? I feel I would be morally conflicted in such a position, even while the ethics of your actions are indeed grounded and justified. I hope to learn from your experience so as to be better prepared for the inevitable future. Thank you for your insightful post.
What is situational contingency leadership? What are the
possible pros and cons associated with this leadership style? Please share examples.
Leigh, welcome to our class. Your response demonstrates an impressive ingenuity, and I commend your adeptness. “Economic reality verifies the idealistic assumptions,” wherein what ended up crashing our reality was unforeseen but entirely within the scope circumstance: more than half the members deployed (Tapek, 2018, p. 94)”. As we reverted to the rolling schedule, my team was forced to reevaluate, expanding on the DMAIC process.”.
Six ethical principles:
Six ethical principles are available to judge conduct. These principles are derived independently from several cultural, religious, and intellectual traditions and include:
·Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
·Immanuel Kant’s Categorical Imperative: If an action is not suitable for everyone to take, it is not suitable for anyone
·Descartes’ Rule of Change: If an action cannot be taken repeatedly, it is not correct to take at all
·Utilitarian Principle: Take the action that achieves the higher or greater value
·Risk Aversion Principle: Take the action that produces the least harm or the least potential cost
·“No Free Lunch” Rule: Assume that virtually all tangible and intangible objects are owned by someone else unless there is a specific declaration otherwise.
These principles should be used with an ethical analysis to guide decision-making. Ethical research involves identifying the facts, values, stakeholders, options, and consequences of actions. Once completed, you can consider which moral principle to apply to a situation to arrive at a judgment.
What are the differences between morals and ethics in the workplace? Might something be ethical but immoral in executing projects? Is it more important for a project team to be honest or moral? Why?