Part 3: Management of your corporate companion project is due by 11 p.m. on Sunday, October 8th.
Please refer to the corporate companion module in Canvas for detailed instructions and grading rubric that are also attached to this assignment.
- Management / CSR
This should be an interesting and compelling explanation of the management of the company which is presented in a flowing narrative format. Information expected in these paragraphs includes.
- Business name, stock symbol, year founded, headcount, headquarter location and state of incorporation.
- Name of current CEO, the gender / minority composition of the senior management team, the gender / minority composition of the senior management team.
- An analysis of the company structure – is it organized by business units representing different product lines? business functions?
- The company’s core values and ways, if any, that the company engages in corporate philanthropy.
- The company’s position (or lack thereof) regarding ethical treatment, fairness, social responsibility and/or a commitment to diversity.
- Your assessment of the company’s management approach.
Each part of your corporate companion project must be uploaded in Canvas by the Sunday 11 p.m. due dates using one of these formats:
Word or Google doc
- At least three pages per part EXCLUDING a title page
- Text should be double spaced and 12-point font.
- You may incorporate charts, diagrams, pictures, video, audio etc. to enhance your submission as long as what you include meets the corporate companion evaluation guide requirements.
- You may include audio or video elements to your submission.
PowerPoint or Google Presentation
- At least 1 slide per section of each part EXCLUDING a title slide.
- You may incorporate charts, diagrams, pictures, video, audio etc. to enhance your submission as long as what you submit meets the corporate companion evaluation guide requirements.
Audio or Video Media Upload
- At least 5 minutes in length per part.
- Video may include charts, diagrams, pictures etc. to enhance your submission as long as what you include meets the corporate companion evaluation guide requirements.
BUS 110 CCC Cox Enterprises Media Giant with Diverse Leadership Report