For your final analysis essay I am giving you a choice of several topics to choose from. I am also
providing you with the source article to use in your essay. You may go outside of this source
and use any other valid scholarly sources you want if it helps you, but you do not have to do
that. It is up to you. Please read through all of the directions here and decide upon your topic
BEFORE you begin to read the play. That way you can be annotating and choosing quotes as
you go.
Directions: Choose one of the following topics and write an analysis essay which is: ● Fully
developed with a clear thesis, introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion. There is
no set number of paragraphs. At this level you should be determining how many
paragraphs you need based on the length of your essay and the topic chosen. ● Uses
textual evidence (quotes) taken directly from both the play (Hamlet) and the source
article provided.
● Cite the quotes from the source article in MLA format. You do not have to cite the
quotes from the play. I know the play well, I will know where your quote
comes from.
● Minimum of 1000 words .
● Minimum of 8 quotes 4 from the play and 4 from the source article
● Submit to the Dropbox no later than July 5. 2024.
For your final analysis essay I am giving you a choice of several topics to choo