To promote the creative process, you will keep an idea bank throughout
the course. An idea bank is a journal that allows you to brainstorm new
ideas that you can then work through and systematically eliminate until
you are left with viable ideas. You should then draw on these ideas with
your teams when developing a pitch for the pitch competition. You may
keep a physical idea journal, but the final submission should be digital
(scan it in). Idea banks will not be graded on the viability of the
ideas, but on criteria such as the number of entries and the regularity
with which you recorded your thoughts. Pages of the idea bank should be
dated to demonstrate that you built on it over the course of the
semester, rather than simply filled it out at the end. Please make about 20 Ideas, each idea 1-2 lines with a timetable from 17 Aug to Oct 6
Idea Bank Pitch Competition Paper