Impacts on Academic Motivation Discussion Essay
Response to Loraine Post
Summative and formative types of assessment are two different methods educators adopt to measure and evaluate student or learner progress and understanding (Ismail et al., 2022). In agreement with your statement, the formative assessment approach helps measure or monitor learners’ progress during active lecture sessions. In addition to assisting the instructor in evaluating how learners are processing the lesson goals, it is also key to add that the formative method helps identify any possible weaknesses or challenges among the learners regarding the teaching methods. According to Ismail et al. (2022), while there is no grading in formative strategies, they are key in that they help the instructor change his ways to suit the learners’ needs. In line with your findings, the formative approaches help establish learners and the instructor on the same level, hence successful teaching and learning (Carnegie Mellon University, 2023). Examples include quizzes, exit slips, concept maps, think pair share, etc. Impacts on Academic Motivation Discussion Essay
Unlike formative assessment, summative assessment methods are used for grading (Ismail et al., 2022). In agreement with Loraine’s findings, these methods are used to describe the students’ quality of achievement, mostly at the end of a course, lesson, or term. An example is an exam used to rank qualified or failed students. It helps to gauge the amount of learning that has occurred over a defined period, i.e., semester, term, etc.
Carnegie Mellon University. 2023, Eberly Center, Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation, What is the difference between formative and summative assessment?
Ismail, S. M., Rahul, D. R., Patra, I., & Rezvani, E. (2022). Formative vs. summative assessment: impacts on academic motivation, attitude toward learning, test anxiety, and self-regulation skill. Language Testing in Asia, 12(1), 40 Impacts on Academic Motivation Discussion Essay
Formative and Summative Assessments
Summative and formative types of assessment are two different methods educators adopt to measure and evaluate student or learner progress and understanding (Ismail et al., 2022). However, the methods vary in terms of purposes and context. According to Arrogante et al. (2021), formative assessment is regarded as ongoing and informal, giving feedback to learners and the instructor. These methods’ primary objectives are to monitor the learners’ learning process and identify improvement areas while adjusting instruction methods to suit learner needs. The practices are informative and have minimal significance to the final learner grades. But they inform the teaching and learning process. An example is in class quiz by the teacher to assess learners’ understanding of a given topic/concept.
Secondly, summative assessments are recognized as formal evaluations undertaken at the end of a learning time frame or level, such as year/term or semester. The methods are used to measure overall learner achievement as they are graded and significantly impact students’ progress and final grades (Arrogante et al., 2021). Summative methods are adopted to estimate or determine whether the learners achieved the set objectives for a course or unit. For example, a comprehensive nursing exam written at the end of the semester covers all covered topics. Impacts on Academic Motivation Discussion Essay
The significant difference between the two assessment practices or methods is when and purpose of their use. While formative methods are for learners and teachers information on how to make the learning more effective, summative is given at the end of a given period, term, or semester and are graded to evaluate learner levels of acquisition, hence a basis for proceeding to next level, topic or program level. (Ismail et al., 2022).
The obtained assessment data from either of the assessment methods plays a critical role in informing the instructor on how to change or improve the learning process to benefit learners. According to obtained data from the assessment, it is used to identify learners’ needs individually and collectively, allowing them to tailor their teaching methods to specific goals or learner needs. The data also helps to adjust instructional strategies, monitor learner progress and provide feedback to learners. Summative assessments are used after a learning session to evaluate overall success, whereas formative assessments are utilized during the learning process to inform training. Assessment data may be an effective tool for educators to improve instruction and foster student achievement. Impacts on Academic Motivation Discussion Essay