The Fundaments of Ethics Essay Assignment
Carli Cammisano
Morality does not depend on religion. Those who argue that morality depends on religion are running out of room to maneuver. Theists rely on arguing that religion is indispensable for morality, noting that objective moral truths cannot exist without God. Since there are objective moral truths, then God must exist. A contention to this argument is that objective morality is grounded on the existence of God. Still, we cannot rely on God to tell us what is morally right and wrong, especially when facing novel ethical situations. In the dialogue “Euthyphro,” Plato explains that morality cannot be founded on divine commands. Even from a moral perspective, we are free-thinking beings and have no moral obligation to follow the commands given by others, be it the commands given by God or leaders. Following a commandment of a being that is more powerful than us is not equivalent to moral norms. The Fundaments of Ethics Essay Assignment In addition, it is not a solution to say that religious commandments from God are all good (Craig & Wielenberg, 2020). Humans have independent standards for moral goodness and can tell right from wrong and good from bad. We have independent standards and may not need religion or God to tell us what to do. We can determine what is morally right or wrong on our own. It is important to note that morality serves the related purposes of facilitating cooperation in achieving shared and complementary goals, fostering trust, ameliorating harmful conditions, providing security, and creating stability. This may not be an exhaustive list, but it outlines the key functions of morality. In essence, morality is intended to enable humans to live together and, while doing so, improve the conditions under which they live (Shafer-Landau, 2024). As such, religion and God cannot be the source of morality.
Craig, W. L., & Wielenberg, E. J. (2020). A Debate on God and Morality: What is the Best Account of Objective Moral Values and Duties? Taylor & Francis.
Shafer-Landau, R. (2024). The Fundaments of Ethics (6th ed.). Oxford University Press. The Fundaments of Ethics Essay Assignment
In the first video lecture, Moreland gives an argument that objective morality depends on religion. Tooley gives an argument that morality does not depend on religion. Pick one of these arguments and critique it. You must take a side. Make sure that you justify your approach by referencing specific concepts, themes, and arguments from the required reading.
Your essay should be one full page (nothing more, nothing less).
Make sure it is double spaced.
Your heading should only include your name. No need to include any other information (this is to maximize space).
You should rely only on your textbook and course material. Outside sources should not be used.
When engaging with the material in the textbook, provide page numbers in parentheses showing where those concepts can be found. The Fundaments of Ethics Essay Assignment
Video Lectures: (First Lecture) (Second Lecture)
Required Reading: (Linked Textbook PDF)
Shafer-Landau, FoE, chs. 19, 21.
Shafer-Landau, FoE, ch. 5.
Grading Rubric:
“A” Criteria: covers all of the factual and conceptual information with little to no error; offers a significant and meaningful discussion of the material in one’s voice; offers supporting evidence from texts with citation of all sources as appropriate; includes application of examples; evidence of reading and comprehending assigned text materials; evidence of critical thought and analysis in approaching material; well organized and clearly written The Fundaments of Ethics Essay Assignment