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Write a 5 page research paper informing the psychological effects og neglect on

Write a 5 page research paper informing the psychological effects og neglect on

Write a 5 page research paper informing the psychological effects og neglect on children and adolescents. Be sure to include 6 peer reviewed citations. Payment will only be released if the format of the paper is correct and free of plagiarism.
Paper format:  
a. Introduction: paragraph describes topic
b. Body: research writing includes citations of peer reviewed references  (journals, not  magazines, media, or newspapers, etc.) 
c. Summary: brief summary of findings
d. References: minimal six peer reviewed sources from 2017 to present
e.  APA 7th edition
f. paper length of 5-7 pages

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Write a 5 page research paper informing the psychological effects og neglect on
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